There were two potential problems, someone could fall ill hundreds of miles away from help, and many of are retired and in or very close to the high risk group, so that could be fatal. Secondly restrictions on landing are being introduced in the Azores which would be a problem.
Hopefully we will be having another go next year but starting the event from Baltimore after the scheduled Jester Baltimore Challenge.
So it looks like cruising in UK waters for much of this year.
Update 17th March:
It is planned to have an Azores Challenge in 2021 with a choice of starts, Plymouth or Baltimore (after the Baltimore Challenge) with those leaving from Plymouth getting a c 30 hour "start" on those leaving from Baltimore which is about 125 miles closer, at first glance that appears to be a generous allowance but they do have more adverse tide to fight against and if the wind is from the SW the distance for them would be somewhat greater.
Update 27th March:
I planned a round GB cruise in a lot of detail but now we and the boat are in lock down. :( and that is not going to fly if we can't move before the end of May. Still worse things are happening on land.