Saturday, June 15, 2024

2024 June 15th Day 78, Loch Clash to Loch Gairloch.

A 04:15 start - much earlier than planned but I was awake, intermittent light rain stopped shortly after but stayed cloudy till mid morning. There was at most 3 knots of wind till 12:20 when the cruising chute went up. 

The Old Man of Stoer to Point of Stoer.

RFA Tidespring entering Loch Ewe, probably for fuel at Aultbe.
On the left the patrolling Coastguard emergency tug  is, perhaps,
looking for trade.
The chute came down 2 miles short of Rubha Reidh but went back up on the other gybe shortly after rounded the point. That lasted c 3 miles before the wind at about 13 knots started to back and I was heading towards land, the chute down and the Genoa was unfurled after gybing in 13 - 15 knots around Longa Island.

There are natural arches all along the coast for 5 miles south
of Rubha Reidh.
Flowerdale anchorage 
The Forecast for Sunday and Monday looks encouraging, F6 is unlikely through to Skye Bridge but could be a bit of an issue in the Sound of Sleat towards Tobermory. I’m hoping to get through the Kyle Rhea on Sunday - the tides are as good as they could be although relatively weak as it a neap tide.

The Minch - Strong wind warning (19:00 Saturday)

24 hour forecast: North or northeast 4 to 6, occasionally 3 at first. Slight or moderate, occasionally rough later in far north. Showers then fair, rain with fog patches for a time. Moderate or good, occasionally very poor.

Outlook for the following 24 hours: North or northeast 4 to 6. Slight or moderate, occasionally rough at first in far north. Mainly fair. Moderate or good, occasionally poor.

2024 Loch Clash to Loch Gairloch.

Click here for Sandaig Bay

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