Thursday, June 20, 2024

2024 June 17th Day 80, Sandaig Bay to Eigg.

Tobermory is rather a long way in one leg, I have done it both ways from / to the Sandaig area but I would arrive in the evening so would end up staying for an extra night, a stop in the Small Isles would break the journey and allow me to arrive in Tobermory in the morning, hopefully after people leave and before most arrive - during the summer (such as it is πŸ˜’) the place can become full, especially the pontoons. I decided on the south anchorage at Eigg with Muck as a fall back if there was a problem with the anchorage, unlikely given its size and the forecast but you never know, there could be some residual swell.

I had the sails up as I left the anchorage and had a  good sail in a F4-5 wind, although there was one nasty F6 squall that needed some quick reefing. Needless to say it was chilly, I am still waring my winter kit, iirc ever since I arrived in Scotland.

An interesting rainbow at the western end of the
Sleat peninsular.
Approaching the anchorage which is behind the point.
The anchorage was fine, easier to find a good spot than I thought from some of the descriptions, and empty when I arrived. I chose to anchor a good way out in 8m of water for an easy departure in the morning if other boats arrived, as they did.

The anchorage is completely exposed to the south,
Ardnamurchan lighthouse in the distance, 9.5 NM, 201 degrees.
Looking towards the northern anchorage (Poll nam Partan &
Gamisdale Pier), a much tighter anchorage, exposed to the east
but protect from the south. A couple of yachts anchored in the
space between me and the shore, there would have been
room for quite a few more.
The west side of the anchorage.

The anchorage
24 miles in 6 hours.

Click here for Tobermory.

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