Thursday, June 20, 2024

2024 June 18th Day 81, Eigg to Tobermory.

Another early start was required to get around Ardnamurchan Point with a following tide, the area had a reputation for difficult seas in strong winds, especially wind against tide as it would be if I left at a more civilised hour. 

It was another good but chilly sail, this one on a broad reach in a F5 under headsail only. It was a bit lumpy at the entrance to the sound but would have been a lot worse for the many boats, at least a dozen before I arrived and quite a few more later, leaving Tobermory heading north. They probably had an uncomfortable rounding of the point.

I arrived mid morning and lashed out on a pontoon berth, at almost double the price of a mooring, because of the amount of stuff to bring on board, 2 trips to the garage for 46 litres of diesel where I also bought their last cylinder of CampingGaz and three trips to the CO-OP. It also saved inflating the dinghy that would need to be stowed before crossing the North Channel if not before.

And when the heavy lifting was done I had a much needed shower.

Unsurprisingly for mid June, the Pontoons were filled by mid afternoon although there were plenty of moorings left

Ardnamurchan light
Starting the turn towards the Sound of Mull

I wanted to leave the next morning, or at least to move to a mooring, but where to go with a disappointing forecast of light headwinds winds getting stronger later the next day? 
The short list was Loch Aline and Loch Spelve, I have not been to the latter but decided on the former as the anchorages in Loch Spelve are a little deep and not as sheltered as Loch Aline; as things turned out the strong winds were not as strong as forecast, but better safe than sorry.

20 miles in five and a half hours.

Click here for Loch Aline

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