Wednesday, July 3, 2024

2024 June 28th Day 91 Ardglass to The Skerries and "It's like déjà vu all over again".

The forecasts were a little equivocal but generally showed the wind decreasing from F5 and from the NW. I had planned to leave lunchtime and go to Dundalk Bay and then on to Dublin on Saturday but with the wind already down from F7 to F5 considerably earlier than forecast and the sea not looking rough, I decided to leave at 08:00 with the wind in the marina light from the NE. Outside the harbour the wind was F3-4 from the NW, that gradually increased to F5 and I was making fine progress until not long after leaving the wind started to back and I was close hauled but making good a course that would take me to the Skerries, quite a way but certainly doable by evening.

The wind started to back again in the afternoon and by a little after 15:00 it was approximately SSW and almost on the nose, I had three options; tack and head for Dundalk Bay, but that was now almost as far as the Skerries, second beat on to the Skerries and arrive well after dark and struggle getting to Dublin as an early or very late start would be needed for the tide. Or third to put on the engine.

Wanting to press on and not miss favourable winds the next day and to get south as quick as was sensible because of easterly winds promised (which did not turn up) I put on the engine, as it turned out a very good choice. I arrived at The Skerries at 20:00 with a Beef Bourguignon ready to eat once I was anchored.

"It's like déjà vu all over again." [Yogi Berra]

I hardly had time to finish it and a sun downer before a phone call; a repeat of last years second cruise, my wife was calling to say she had fallen and was in hospital (no she does not 🍷) tests were still being done (and were still not completed at mid night when her friend left) and it was not known if she would be kept in or sent home. If the latter she would probably need more help than her friends in the village could reasonably give. 

I spent until 23:30 telling relations etc., organising and planning as best I could. My sister volunteered to come up to Oxfordshire from Somerset on Sunday if my wife was sent home and I said I would be in Milford Haven on Monday or Tuesday at the latest if she was kept in or home probably earlier if I flew back from Dublin - always try and over deliver in these situations!

There was no point in staying where I was, so it would be an 04:00 start next day to get the first of the south going tide and hopefully find out what was happening before getting to Dublin so I could make a sensible decision as to the best option.

46 miles in 12 hours

What happened next.

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