Tuesday, August 20, 2024

2024 August 18th, Day 4 , Parn Voose Cove to the Truro River.

I needed sleep so I did not set the alarm so when I left at 07:00 I theoretically had a maximum of an hour of north going tide, which I hoped would get me past Black Head where I know from experience the tide turns quickly, unfortunately I didn't make it and was heading into almost 2 knots of tide and narrowly missed a pot buoy that was towed under and did not have a flag. I was very lucky that a wave trough briefly exposed it dead ahead and I was able to cut the power and put the helm hard over and miss it by a few yards. I didn't see it again. 

I got the sails up at the Manacles as the wind set in from the SW so was preparing the cruising chute but as soon as I was ready to hoist the wind started to veer so I stayed with the genoa and before long was close hauled and a little over powered but I was approaching a big cruise ship anchored off Pendennis Point and unlikely to weather it so I slipped into her lea and dropped the sails to motor up to the Truro River.

I was in a bit of a hurry as I wanted to get onto on of the relatively cheap pontoons up the Truro river rather than go to an expensive marina and I did not want to risk anchoring as the strong wind was due to set in from the south, OK in St Mawes but then veer to the West which would be bad news in a Force 7. However as I passed "Cross Roads" heading for St Just Pool (it was low tide so I was following the channel) I spotted a bright yellow small boat heading towards the local clubs racing start line and went back towards Penarrow Point.

Facebook Post to the Achilles Group:

Going up past Mylor, I spied with my little eye something beginning with H (Hot Foot, an Achilles 24). Went over for a quick chat, as Roeland, having cleaned up at Falmouth week, prepared to do the same at the club. Only a short video clip as this is high res on the SLR and longer ones often gets rejected. Pics to follow.

It was a very brief chat as he had to get ready for the start.

2024 Hotfoot

A couple of videos and some stills of A24 Hot Foot.

On I went up the river and was surprised to find a couple of spaces on the pontoon at Turnaware, but that is rather exposed and as there were no boats following me I carried on to the more sheltered areas up river, avoiding collisions with two self drive motor boats, one of which had not seen me despite me being alongside having been slowly overtaking for at least three-quarter of a mile - people do forget to "check 6" and this "helm" did not bother to check things were clear to port before turning. The other was told by someone in the boat which way to go but pushed the tiller the wrong way.

Waiting for the King Harry Ferry to cross.

I was extremely surprised to find only half a dozen boats on the first and largest pontoon and 2 of them were short stay so I made fast there and looking at the forecast I will probably be here for the rest of the week.

21 miles in 5 hours

Sheltering in the Truro river.

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