Monday, February 10, 2025

My review of anchorages and marinas around UK has been updated to Feb 2025 with .GPX download.

Anchorages and Marinas covered as at July 2024
Updates Feb 2025
  • It is now possible to download a .GPX file with all of the covered locations identified (as per above) plus a long list of places I have checked out on paper and may visit.  This can be imported into Memory-Map and other charting software, Details below.
  • A few boundaries have been rationalised to run between headlands rather than anchorages to remove confusion and avoid further changes when I add new locations, descriptions on some older links may not be updated but they will still work.
  • The Isles of Scilly split from SE Ireland to make more room, there are now 12 pages. 
  • Now having a 5G phone, 2025 notes will include O2 5G coverage although I suspect very few will appear, Milford Haven despite being a reasonably sized town is not currently covered.
Sancerre in the anchorage at The Holy Island of
Lindisfarne, 2021
, the Farne Islands and Bamburgh
Castle in the distance.  A trip line is required in
this anchorage, to see why click here.
Update Nov 2024: Updated with those visited through 2024, to date I had been to 155 different locations since getting Sancerre, almost all have at least some comments.  

I now include:

  • Harbours and Marinas.
  • Some info on fuel & gas availability but I would not have checked at many locations. 
  • Cell coverage, Vodafone and O2, for those I have visited recently.
  • Videos of anchorages when weather, daylight and time permit.

Be sure to check out Reeds and / or the appropriate pilots for more detailed information and alternates, this is just an overview of likely candidates, but I have been to all of them over the last few years. Some notes on passage making using some of these can be found here:  "Planning a round GB trip" , a list of charts and Pilots I have used round GB can be found here: "Charts and Guides for a round GB trip"

Updates Winter 2023/24: Further updated during a boring winter 2023/4 to include some information on access to and from marinas. Done from notes but largely from memory but fortunately that is good for this sort of thing, I just wish that I always knew why I went into a room or opened a browser page πŸ˜•. See my page Marina & mooring notes (opens in a new window) for some general tips, definitions and the context (handling of my boat) in which I comment.

Village Bay Anchorage, St Kilda 2023.
Hunda Sound anchorage looking towards Scapa Flow, Orkney at 03:30.
Note that these "Pages" do not show up under "Post Labels" (right). There will normally be more photos of each anchorage on the linked post and sometimes subsequent ones (I normally only "tag" the first post in a sequence) the associated slide show, or by clicking on the Post Label right:

GPX download of locations.

A small chart section showing places I have visited (Red and Blue)
and those I would go to in the right conditions.

I have the entire collection and the charts on my iPads, iPhone and laptops
so if I need to choose a destination or make a diversion I don't necessarily
have to do further wide ranging research, just check tides, the pilot and
charts for the detail.

At the time of writing there are 102 possible locations mainly from Scilly,
Ireland and Lands end to Shetland via Cape Wrath, in addition to the c 150
places I have been to at least once in the last few years.

The chart at the top of the page is a snap shot of some of the places I have visited, they are marks / way points in "Memory Map", I have exported these for back up and so that I can share them to my other devices, I have now made them available so that others can down load them for reference. They are stored in a .GPX file which most charting packages can access, the categorisation may or may not make sense in other software but the marks should appear. If in doubt, back up what is already in your package so that if you get a deluged and can't manage a two or three hundred marks you can bulk delete then restore.

An example of a single mark exported from "Memory-Map for All"
to a .GPX file and imported into my Seapro 3000 navigation software
as a waypoint. Category and symbol information were ignored although
 the name and position did come over. Care must be taken using these
as an actual waypoint - as noted below positions are only indicative.
For software geeks this is how a single point is described coming out of Memory-Map.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<gpx version="1.1"
creator="Memory-Map for All 1.3.1"
<wpt lat="51.7073036414" lon="-5.1566832963">
<name>Milford, Dale Shelf, Free Pontoon</name>
<type>Anchorages and Marinas:Scilly to Mull of Galloway</type>

Overlay list in "Memory-Map for All", items
ticked and those below will be displayed. 
Despite referencing a Garmin schema importing this into Garmin "Active Captain" has the same result as into SeaPro except that the name is truncated further.

Note positions are indicative and do not necessarily mean that you can anchor in the exact location, I sometimes place them close to an anchorage so that the icon does not obscure charted information. E & OE! - check out charts, in particular the Antares charts for West Scotland, Pilots etc. Naming conventions are not altogether consistent as things have changed with time and software upgrades and as selection is graphic from a chart ninety-nine times out of a hundred I am not spending time to improve it further.

I will probably update the files at some point in the future, it is not practical to just issue changes as the the .GPS file does not manage changes or deletions so if you plan to take updates put your own marks under a different category so that mine can be mass deleted and reloaded. The overlay list below shows routes, these will not be made available as these may not be up to date or validated, my masters are in SeaPro and exported to the plotter and/or MemoryMap if and when required. Also I am not taking responsibility for your navigation!

Some places have a combination of a marina and moorings (e.g Tobermory which also has some possibility of anchoring), Moorings and mid river pontoons (e.g. Fowey), etc.. I flag them by the type I have used most or the most prolific (e.g. Fowey is shown as moorings although there are a number of mid stream pontoons) but occasionally when there are two significant facilities (e.g. Tobermory marina and moorings or Plockton with significant moorings and anchorage) I put in a mark for both.

The sub category expanded to show the
anchorages, right click + view takes you directly
to the point and an appropriate chart, doing the same
on a category or sub-category shows all selected.
In "Memory-Map for All" they will be shown as overlays under different categories and sub categories so they can be hidden as required, and will be locked in position (but can be unlocked), other software may not support this. I have done basic testing on an iPad and another PC, both using "Memory-Map for all". The older versions of Memory Map did not support sub-categories and I guess they would be turned into categories, early issues with "Memory-Map for All" have been resolved and as the basic software (not the charts which are still remarkably cheap) is free I see no reason not to move to the latest version.

Places I have been to, and therefore have notes on the web site for, are grouped together under "anchorages and marinas" with sub-categories roughly equating to my regional categories above. Anchor Icons ⚓  are coloured to differentiate anchorages (Red) from marinas, moorings and pontoons (without walk on access) that invariably have to be paid for (Blue). None of the anchorages I have flagged have to be paid for (unlike Salcombe and Falmouth) but there may be a charge to use landing facilities, usually with an honesty box or on line payment e.g. Plockton (where you can land on the beach for free and it is a shorter walk).

Link to download visited anchorages etc. as a .GPX file to import into Memory-Map (or other mapping software with care).

There are two other categories; in a second downloadable file:

  • Possible Anchorages - places I have done at least some research on and so for instance know there is normally sufficient water for Sancerre to stay afloat as low tide and I would, in the right conditions, anchor there overnight. Clearly there are lots more! They will show Green if displayed. They are not categorised further due to the work that would be required.
  • Possible marinas - as above, show in purple
  • Link to download possible anchorages and marinas. 
There are few on the south coast as I have been to most of the more important anchorages and none on the east coast as I have not done any research on them since 2020 and although I have some noted in excel spread sheets I would have to sift through them and manually enter them, as I don't plan to go that route again I'm not going to put the work in. 

Ireland is a different matter, a round Ireland trip has been on the bucket list for a while and I planned some routes out in detail a couple of years ago, as they are in the system I have put the end points into a third  down loadable file under the category "IRE" that covers Cape Clear west about to Loch Foyle, the coast from Cape Clear east about to Fair Head is covered in the other two files.

The anchorage at Canna, the Small Isles, on route from
Tobermory to S. Uist, 2022. The Isle of Rum in the distance.